This is a sports web game, organized by the company Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information in partnership with Tunisie Telecom, which allows all mobile customers to win attractive prizes:
- 3000 dinars automatically when you get 16,000 points
- 3000 dinars via draw every week
After registering, you will get daily a pack of three photos taken from Football matches with three (3) suggested answers. The principle of the game is to choose the correct answer within a specific period of time.
1- Each subscriber receives 1000 points for each successfully renewed subscription.
2- The participant must respect the time limit of seconds allowed for each answer.
- Each correct answer equals exactly 500 points.
- Each incorrect answer equals zero or 500 points.
- Each overrun of the specified time equals exactly 0 points.
The reset of all scores and question packs for all participants will be done every Sunday at midnight.
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